Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Makes A Good Blog Great?

Simply enough, the same thing that makes good writing great;  and interesting; and engaging; and enthralling; is also identical to what makes a good Blog great. A great Blog has a certain like-able and unique rhythm and style to it; different than the mass of other Blogs out there. It has an unmistakable original and independent feel and look to it. You immediately sense that it is different...you’re caught in the headlights, transfixed! 

Good content to become great content must also meet a few requirements. The words or video of any Blog must flow and make sense, mentally and visually. Words matter to the reader; just as images matter to a viewer.  Each word and every image used and positioned is important to the overall look and feel of any good, great Blog. 

Words like images are not as interchangeable as some spin doctors would have you believe. Words like images create a unique mental or visual picture in our minds. They can create understandings or misunderstandings...depending on how they are used, and what we, are shown to view.

Words like images can touch our hearts and souls. They can bring tears to our eyes and passion to our souls. They operate aesthetically like a well written and memorably inspiring poem. We recite their words with a sense of dedication and devotion...even if, with watery eyes. Great Blogs are passionate and personally inspiring! They arouse both our senses and sensibilities.

After viewing and reading thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Blogs; I have discovered these obvious facts or laws of Blogging, as to what makes a Good Blog a Great Blog...

1.      Original, fresh and totally unique content; or, that content, presented in a different but captivating manner to its audience/readership.
2.      Content cannot be spun content; if it’s spun, using any manual or automatic spinner, it no longer has a high perceived value. Words do not have the same meanings as other words. They are different. The understanding and feel of any written work is dramatically affected by the interchange of words and their unique meanings. Misunderstandings can easily be created. Quality writing deteriorates to the degree that you spin it.
3.      Content must be added and upgraded regularly. Daily, weekly, monthly. Older Blog posts eventually must be archived; but, they also still need to remain accessible to the readers on the site. Make everything totally search-able with a designated search bar.
4.      Content must not be automatically, by way of software translation programs, translated from one language to another, and then drip fed to that Blog on complete autopilot. Mistakes will exist. Blatantly obvious mistakes. These translation programs are not perfect or anywhere near 100% effective. Beware of translated drip fed content!
 5.      Design of Blog should be unique and interesting, compelling and highly creative. It would be better if it also had some socially interactive features...that keep people stuck to the site, or willing to share this experience with their friends and other social connections. The idea of Greatness is to get your people to come back to your site Blog...to read and play, again and again.
6.      To be considered ‘Great’ these days, Blogs need multi-media, and not just words and text. Successful Blogs mix it up with well thought-out and fully functional multimedia content. Again, all content must be geared to the readers/viewers tastes, likes, and sensibilities. Great Blogs match and cater to the needs and wants of their readers and viewers. Great Blogs create a happening.
7.      Great Blogs regularly survey their audience, looking to connect and meet their needs and likes directly; this is best done by being immediately responsive. A live service help desk or live phone line is also essential to maintaining the integrity and perceived value of any Great Blog. Service sells!
8.      Great Blogs are keyword and SEO optimized for the search engine page rankings. These Blogs and their websites are continuously tweaked and fine tuned.
9.      Great Blogs have naturally developed back-links. As the Blog grows, so do their back-links...naturally, and not by the hundreds or thousands automatically and overnight. You don’t think the search engines know the difference? Too much automation is not a good thing.
10.   Motion, change and activity are what keep anything going, including Great Blogs. Keep things fresh, and keep people in motion, and interacting, by way of comments, or by clicking on things of interest or attention within the site. Give people a reason to stay connected and keep coming back. Make it a fun, inspiring, informative, or entertaining experience.

Factually speaking, it has been my experience that even with all the benefits of technology and automation...Blogs on complete autopilot don’t work. Sure, some can make money for some time; but eventually the natural traffic, hell, even the paid traffic, dries up! Automatically speaking of course!

Don’t rely or count on automation as your only true guarantee of Blogging Greatness. It’s the cheap and lazy way to Blogging Riches...or so you are told by every Internet Marketer out there trying to sell you a Blogging course, Blogging package, Blogging website, Blogging software, Blah, Blah!

Today, over 100,000 + new Blogs are created each and every day. With over 100 million + individual Blogs out there and counting, how can you get heard above the crowd? How will your Greatness ever be recognized amid the millions of other Blogs; never mind the billions of masses that follow them?

I’d be willing to bet that it won’t be through automation; no matter how well designed or automatically contrived. Individuality sells, so does personality and passion as well; they all sell! Creativity and originality have a value that is of the highest quality and order, aesthetically speaking. It has the highest perceived and actual value. Spun content, re-purposed or re-optimized content doesn’t even come close to originality and passion!

The real deal is the real deal; it alone attracts the traffic by way of its uniqueness and individual creativity. This factor alone is the rare quality that gives and makes any Blog Great. Automation can never replace the special and unique soul behind the Blog and its soulful Greatness. 

Otherwise, with automation, it would just become another Ghost in the machine...a lifeless and walking Zombie, needing to feed incessantly, and to continuously justify, its superficial and empty self! 

That sure doesn’t sound like ‘Greatness’ to me?

Here is a short video of the musical simplicity of blogging greatness...

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