Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What keeps Making a Good Blog Great

Keep wondering to yourself...What makes a good blog great? The truth they say, is stranger than fiction.The ingredients to greatness require knowing how to communicate with passion and integrity, as a blogger and writer. PASSION & INTEGRITY!

Here is a recent letter I sent to a job offer on Craigslist. Surprisingly, I got no response; not even an acknowledgement. My attached essay I sent, is also duplicated below, for your reading enjoyment.

Hey there,

Interested in your offering.

I am a writer, content writer and copywriter.

Just Google any of my Blog or article titles, and you will find them All on the first page, and most, in the first spot!

All are out of millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, and even a BILLION other search results!

Without a doubt, I possess the qualifications and experience you are looking for...

Currently, my Blogs(dozens) and articles(lost count) are even ahead of Google, Wikipedia, CNN, and other major news outlets for my keyword titles in the Google search results!

My bid for 3 Blogs per week of 200-400 words each will be $200.00 minimum...for all three!

Hey, what can I say; true quality, originality, and thought provoking words do not come CHEAP!!!


Please allow me to show you what I can do with your words and ideas...to help swell your bottom line!

Give me some info, a sample, and what keywords you would like me to focus on...and let me create a sample Blog post for you...NO CHARGE!

Inks, cartridges, bits and bytes, all working together in harmony, smoothly and effortlessly creating your powerfully persuasive message...Please TRY ME...BUY ME...USE ME...NOW!

I promise you, my Blog/articles will be like NO OTHER Blog/articles out there.

Specifically, what sets me apart from all other writers will be made crystal clear. My words are precisely geared towards my readership...I create subliminal connections and links through the combination of my words, and the rhythm that is created by them.

These coded words influence feelings, attitudes, and sensations in the readers’ minds...compelling them to stay alert and interested...in your products!

I can take any product and write100 totally different but engaging articles or reviews about it; each will be original, and each from a fresh and unique perspective!

I don't do resume's; I also don't do ‘dog and pony shows’; you know, ‘show and tell’!

My words speak for themselves...Just Google them and see for yourself...The truth does not lie!


Hope to hear from you, sooner than later?



P.S. Attached is one of my personal articles that was bought outright by an executive recruiting firm for $75.00. As soon as he read it, he took out his check book and paid me. It literally blew his mind! He loved it; and he is a 20 year veteran of executive employment consulting. Currently, my words on his website still get the most comments of all his other articles. He re-configured the article to himself using his own words, while still retaining most of mine. Enjoy!